Ahora puedes hacer donación de manera recurrente a través de facebook (Noticia en inglés)

According to the soon-to-be-released 2018 Global Trends in Giving Report, 18% of donors worldwide have donated to a nonprofit through Facebook Fundraising Tools. Of those, 40% say they are very likely to donate again directly through Facebook. 48% say they are somewhat likely. Whatever your personal feelings are about Facebook (love, hate, ambivalent), it’s clear that as a revenue stream for nonprofits, Facebook has sticking power.
Since Facebook’s release of fundraising pages in 2015, Facebook has steadily been growing and improving their fundraising tools. In addition to the ability to add a “Donate” button to your organization’s page, to Facebook Live videos, and to posts in the News feed, Facebook has now also quietly released the ability for donors to sign up for monthly giving, as you can see on the Jane Goodall Institute’s Facebook Page:
As Network for Good has reported, the average monthly donor will give 42% more in one year than those who give one-time gifts. So, again, whatever your personal feelings are about Facebook, its fundraising tools are increasing in power and frankly, since nonprofits first began using Myspace in 2005, Facebook Fundraising Tools are the best collection of tools that any social network has ever created for the nonprofit sector. Add to that the fact that there are no transaction fees, your organization would be wise to start experimenting with the tools if you haven’t already.
Fuente: Network for Good